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About UsJourney

Polycab Telecom is a part of a vibrant legacy, Polycab India Ltd., which is one of India's most trusted and admired names in the electrical wires and cables industry. Our vision is anchored in making people more connected, safe and resourceful for a Smart Life. We aspire to set the trends and lead the industry in designing, installing and managing passive networking solutions, that enhance people's lives.

“Aligned with our core vision to create connection and build connectivity, we’re keyed up to explore our contributions with our digital-infra solutions for a hyper-connected society.”

Inder T. Jaisinghani
Chairman & Managing Director, Polycab India Limited

Segments We Serve

As technology begins to infiltrate every facet of our lives, there are digital tools and technologies of empowerment, that optimise our working and living spaces and daily routine to ensure that everything works towards seamless connectivity and consequently, connected and fulfilling lives
Optical Fiber Cables

Optical Fiber Cables

Optical Fiber Cables

FRP/ARP Rods & IGFR Yarns

FRP/ARP Rods & IGFR Yarns

FRP/ARP Rods & IGFR Yarns




Safe City

Safe City

Safe City

Smart City

Smart City

Smart City

Digital Class

Digital Class

Digital Class




Passive Infrastructure

Passive Infrastructure

Passive Infrastructure


Our Legacy : Polycab India Ltd.

% Market Share & Growing..
Manufacturing Facilities
Countries We Export Our Products
Authorized Distributors and Expanding..
Retailers Connecting Us to Consumers

We Partner the Best.
The Best partner with us.


Latest Blogs

Right installation, tests and termination of OFC-infrastructures ensure fewer incidences of network-problems
Right installation, tests and termination of OFC-infrastructures ensure fewer incidences of network-problems
Optical Fiber Cables (OFCs) have been a reliable transmission-medium for modern data-networks. The complexity of these fiber-optic networks makes troubleshooting in times of fiber-failure very difficult. Experience and expertise in laying, installing, testing and terminating OFC-infrastructures is crucial to have minimized occurrences of network-problems. The fiber-optic problems happen in many ways, but the most frequent ones...
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Fiber Characterization: A process to ensure quick time-to-market for fiber-optic services
Fiber Characterization: A process to ensure quick time-to-market for fiber-optic services
Upkeep of the quality and integrity of the optical signal-transmission is very high in the list of priorities, when a fiber-optic infrastructure is built. Thus, knowing important insights and key-metrics about the Optical Fiber Cable (OFC) infrastructure becomes very significant. This entire process is called Fiber Characterization, wherein a full performance-assessment of OFC-based infrastructure is...
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Indian Railways to create enduring capabilities through high-speed communication, based on a captive LTE-R
Indian Railways to create enduring capabilities through high-speed communication, based on a captive LTE-R
Reliable mobile communication systems have emerged the key enablers to support mission-critical services, operation assistance services and passenger services in the global railway landscape. Several railway organizations around the world are looking to migrate from the existing communication technologies to the advanced ones, in order to meet their current and future requirements. The Indian Railways...
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Timely RoW-approvals lead to maintain a fiber-optic project’s timeline
Timely RoW-approvals lead to maintain a fiber-optic project’s timeline
A robust fiber-optic infrastructure, providing high-speed data-transmission with adequate bandwidth, is imperative to ensure connectivity, that works as a key component of economic wellbeing and development in an area. Getting timely and affordable approvals for Rights of Way (RoW) permissions from concerned authorities goes a long way in enabling smooth infrastructure rollout for any fiber-optic...
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Aerial fiber-optic installation is very common in optical communication
Aerial fiber-optic installation is very common in optical communication
Undeniably fiber-optic construction bears the promise of a flexible, scalable and full-service network platform, enabling the service-providers to transmit massive amounts of information at record-breaking speeds, with minimal interference. Fiber-optic networks are constructed through the placement of Optical Fiber Cables (OFCs) both, in underground and aerial ways. In underground construction, OFCs are laid in a...
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